We are investigating an issue effecting a small portion of our network, this involves a few server racks and is related to an aggregate router problem. We apologize for the inconvenience and are working to get this restored right away. We will provide an update for you very shortly.
Valued CaVPS Host ClientsWe have completed upgrading the Client Area for much better response time and protection.While no VPS or Dedicated server was affected during the client area upgrade , we would like appologize for such short notice as you were temporarly unable to mange your VPS. Kindly open a support ticket should you need any ... Читать далі »
Dear Valued Clients of CaVPS HostWe have enabled 2 Way Authentication to protect your account. To enable this on your account, please login to your account and go to Edit Account details.https://clients.cavpshost.com/clientarea.php?action=details Go to Security Settings >> Enable 2 Way Auth. Please download Google Authenticator on your ... Читать далі »
You can now order Windows 8 with your Windows VPS.
We are offering Windows 8 64 Bits on any Windows Qualified VPS Hosting Plan.
Please start a live chat or submit a support ticket shoud you have any questions.
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