Dear Valued Clients of CaVPS Host
We have enabled 2 Way Authentication to protect your account.
To enable this on your account, please login to your account and go to Edit Account details.
Go to Security Settings >> Enable 2 Way Auth.
Please download Google Authenticator on your smart phone.
Why 2 way auth you ask?
Many individuals tend to use the same password for all of their login points. In the event that a malicious users gains access to one
login of you or your staff, they could potentially gain access to all other login-required sites – Like your Services.
Two-Factor Authentication puts a stop to that by requiring users who succesfully login in with a user & password combintation to use
a physical device they posses for futher verification.
Any questions on how to set this up, pleae start a live chat or open a support ticket.
Best regards,
CaVPS Host Team
Wednesday, April 19, 2017